"ACTIVISTS AND PATRIOTS SECTION of the Virtual Library at the Buzzard's Nest . Activists and Patriots . Patriots . Patriot Server . Information on Militias . "High content, low production values!
"Created by Kathy Watkins -- Here's a place to relax, catch up on the latest news, and pick up a few new tools. . TAO Research Center . Your Government . Activist Organizations . Activist Mailing Lists . Issues List . The Activist Life . "A very
good resource!
"Activists Online (tm) brings you front-line reports from the war of ideas. This publication is a forum for those in the trenches to send messages back to the politically active and ideologically aware. Activists Online brings you passionate voices fr
om all across the political spectrum - left, right and center - wherever energy and activism are to be found. The aim is to clarify the issues and facilitate the national debate." A multi-issue online-newsletter -- a bit difficult to know what to ma
ke of this one, only the current issue is available online.
"A nonfiction PG-13 comic book celebrating youth who have, through nonviolent action, successfully fought for democracy, human rights, peace in the streets and quality schools and against racism, gay-bashing, rock and rap censorship and other tough is
sues. Funded in part with grant money by a 75 year old peace and social justice organization, the Fellowship of Reconciliation." Very high production values, unreadable at 256 color resolution!!
Activism Links from Adam Rifkin. "What can one person do to help our collective future? Don't be cynical. Be active. Here are some WWW sites I've discovered for people who want to make a difference." LOTSA LINKS!!! The Mother of All Jump-Pages!!
Organized by major topics.
"Society, Politics, and the Environment . Rights for women, queers, and everyone else . General resources and reading . Privacy and free expression . Organizations . Environmental resources . Sites to help you apppreciate the outdoors . " A very
nice implementation -- high production values, and lots of well organized links....
"The purpose of this page is to unify - as a resource of and for different activist groups and individuals who are acting against the Contract; educate - by providing links to other documents which contain information about the Contract
with America; facilitate ACTION - with direct e-mail links to Congress and other government officials
"This page has links to text files and other web pages of interest to anarchists, anti-authoritarians, and other social change activists. This is a cooperative effort. If your project wants to participate or contribute materials, get in touch!"
"A 60s Trading Post for the 90s would not be complete without a list of organizations dedicated to preserving the Spirit. If you've been feeling alone and powerless; you're not! Check out these pages and t
heir recommended links. You'll find out there are lots of us who have not been limaughtomized. Let's get organized." Lotsa links!! No particular rhyme or reason to the sequence of the list, but lotsa links!!
"Other general lists of non-profit organizations . Information for nonprofit organizations and activists . Human Rights . Civil Liberties and Politics . Health and Human Services (including Relief and Development) . Environmental Issues and Animal Rig
hts . Miscellaneous." Mega Meta-Page!!
"The Friends Just Peace Institute was established in 1994 in College Station, Texas, by members of the Friends Congregational Church (UCC), to embrace a ministry of peace and justice. The mission is
to seek personal, communal, and global peace through human, social, and environmental justice." They maintain a large meta-page with all sorts of links to other Justice and Peace Organizations.
"Kim Software provides affordable computer solutions to chains of hotels, resorts and restaurants." Kimsoft also has lots of good links! [for some reason or another].
"The Center For Democracy and Technology is a non-profit public interest organization based
in Washington DC. The Center's mission is to develop and advocate public policies that advance constitutional civil liberties and democratic values in new computer and communications technologies." Resources include C
DT's Net-Censorship Issues Page (formerly the CDA page) with Text Of Current Proposals, CDT Analysis, What You Can Do, and More... and CDT's Counter Terrorism Issues Page, which includes
Administration and Congressional Documents, Legislation, Analyses, and Testimony.
"CPSR is a public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others interested in the impact of computer technology on society. As technical experts, CPSR members provide the public and policymakers with realistic assessments of the power, promise,
and limitations of computer technology. As concerned citizens, we direct public attention to critical choices concerning the applications of computing and how those choices affect society." Also check out their old homepage
"EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues relating to the National Information Infrastructure, such as the Clipper Chip, the Digital Telephony
national id cards, medical record privacy, and the sale of consumer data. EPIC is sponsored by the Fund for Constitutional Government and the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. It is also the Washington Office of Privacy International."
The Electronic Frontier Foundation maintains a
archive that includes Activism "information on government and activism on the electronic frontier. It's primary holdings include the following: Information on how to coduct online grassroots political action
efforts, US Congress information, the Freedom of Information Act (and similar laws), global activism info, government and advocacy group Internet server lists, activism tools, and the ACTION Forum Archives." Also check out the EFF Action Alerts and Special Announcements Archive.THE MOTHER LOAD!!! THE CONTENT RICH SOURCE!!
"VTW (Voters Telecommunications Watch) is a volunteer organization, concentrating on legislation as it relates to telecommunications and civil liberties. We do our best to alert the public at crucial times during the life of legislation, such that you
, the citizen, can act appropriately without having to be a full-time activist."
"The Democracy and Internet Workgroup is an informal group created by interested members of University of Pennsylania to explore the possibilities of the Internet to further civic involvment. We see any attempt of explorations of the politiical possib
ilities of the Internet as necesarily involving issues of access."
"This resource list for Virtual Community and Virtual-Reality related links is always under construction." A Mega Meta-Page with resources for building communities in cyberspace.
"Chapter Nine: Electronic Frontiers and Online Activists . By Howard Rheingold . "Ben Franklin would have been the first owner of an Apple computer. Thomas Jefferson would have written the Declaration of Independence on an IBM PC. But Tom Paine .
The Electronic Frontier Foundation maintains a
archive that includes the full text [via gopher, not HTML] of the House of Representatives Committee on Government Operations, 1993 Edition "Citizen's Guide on Using the Freedom of Information Act." WARNING 230K FILE!!
"Vanguard Communications works with local and national environmental organizations to protect clean air and water, safeguard human health and make our communities better places in which to live. We offer a wide variety of public relations and communic
ations services, such as strategic campaign consulting, special event organizing, and video production. We work
locally, nationally and globally to develop and implement important public education campaigns." A very nice activists toolkit
"This 'encyclopedia' covers progressive direct action groups, their campaigns and some of the many tactics that have been (or could be) used by these groups. The information here is given in the spirit of free speech and is not intended to incite ndiv
iduals or groups to commit
any acts of physical violence against any living being. Direct action is nothing new, however it is a developing area and as such new groups, campaigns and tactics are evolving all the
time. The 'encyclopedia' is a 'living document', growing and expanding all the time. It is created by no specific person and takes contributions from anyone who has something of worth to add." Bombard the Headquarters!
How To Win A Practical Guide for Defeating the Radical Right in Your
Community [1994 by Radical Right Task Force]
"This manual is intended as a sort of one-stop, do-it-yourself guide to
fighting the Radical Right at the local level. In it you will find
hands-on information on a range of practical matters, including how to
organize coalitions, how to run an election campaign, how to work with the
media, how to use polling, and how to intrepret and put to good use the
relevant body of law."
"This might be 'old hat' to experienced activists, but, as a working journalist, I still get media releases from activist groups which violate the basic rules for getting the media's
attention, and more importantly, getting the media to cover actions or issues properly. Writing media releases is only part of a group's media strategy, and a group's media strategy is but a part of their overall campaign agenda. I am also accepting the m
ass media 'as is' (with all its faults). By 'mass media', I mean mass circulation newspapers, radio and television news and current affairs programs (but this also applies to local suburban newspapers and weekly magazines, and even community radio station
" The search for corporate and foundation funding involves planning, research, time, and persistence. A key element of any such search, however, is the proposal. To help nonprofits prepare effective proposals, the Foundation Center is pleased to prese
nt A Proposal Writing Short Course.... "The Foundation Center is an independent nonprofit organization established by foundations in 1956. Our mission is to increase public understanding of the foundation fiel
d. We do this by maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date database on foundations and corporate giving programs, by producing directories, and by analyzing trends in foundation support of the nonprofit sector."
"This directory contains email addresses for some U.S. congressmen, state legislators, newspapers, and television and radio stations. Click on a name to send an email message via your browser's mailer."
"This page is dedicated to some of the many resources and tools that can be combined in creative combinations to Fight Back, With Technology." ... "The CyberQueer Lounge nee
ds to raise funds. The cost of maintaining The Qlounge is extreme. The entire cost and the work is carried out by one person, me Tom Hicks. This is going to change. The CyberQueer Lounge faces technological expenses and the threat of government. More then
likely the entire QLounge will need to be locked from those under 18 when Satan's Little Helpers finish with their Internet hysteria work."
"Let Them Know What YOU Think -- Another Fine Product of Conservative Generation X -- Now you can email all of your favorite governmental and media types to let them know exactly what you think ab
out the issues that matter to you the most. Don't worry about those complicated e-mail addresses or maintaining an up to date list. We, at Interactive Democracy, do that for you. We will never charge for this service." A very well thought out implem
entation -- a must see!!
"Activist Mailing Lists, Lists and List Search, Email Tactics, Political Activism Resources, US Government and Congress, Korea WebWeekly, Kimsoft Home Page." An extremely useful guide to using E-mail for advocacy and activism -- a must see!!
"One of the biggest problems many of us face in our modern world is information overload. There is too much information and too little time to process it. That is why I created the 2-Minute Activist. Each week I go through over 200 pieces (from listse
rvs or friends), looking for an action that can be done by fax, phone or e-mail, by any US citizen. When I find a good strong action, I mail it out. Each mailing also contains a valuable resource for the online activist. The action only takes a minute, bu
t it is a minute well spent. Currently I am only doing a semi-weekly action by e-mail. The action is not available in HTML. If you want to subscribe, give feedback about the page, or send me your favorite links, please e-mail me. Unlike most pages that ov
erwhelm you with a proliferation of links, I have sifted through the information and given you only the links I personally have found particularly powerful and useful. Right now I only have a couple of them, but give me about two weeks(from 7/24/95) I wil
l have a bunch more."
"WWW Poll is a poll script for use with NCSA httpd server. The poll script can maintain multiple questions with each question configured separately. Lists of recent voters can be kept for each question to prevent users from stuffing the ballot box. Th
e script includes extensive error checks, error message pages, and maintains a log including time and host of all votes."
Petition To Help Senator Leahy Fight The Exon Communications Decency Act (CDA). A new petition drive, not the same as the initial anti-S.314 petition effort (for new on its final tally, see the bottom of this page), so signatures to that one do not ca
rry over to this.
"The petition in support of Senator Leahy's alternative has generated over 100,000 signatures in the six weeks it has been running. During the Senate debate on the CDA on June 14 1995, Senator Leahy displayed the over 1500 printed pages to his senate
colleagues on the floor.. The battle now moves to the House of Representatives, where a vote is expected in mid July. The petition will continue to run until the House has considered this issue."
""We got the victory" was the message that Girvies left for Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn less than three hours before being executed. Governor Edgar rejected Girvies' Petition for Executive Clemency shortly before 5:00 p.m. on May 16, 1995. Gir
vies had expressed gratitude to those people around the world who were able to learn about his case through the Internet and traditional media and who had taken the time to write and call Governor Edgar requesting clemency. In the end over 1200 e-mail mes
sages were sent to Governor Edgar. While some may think that this use of the Internet was ultimately pointless,
Girvies' message to Eric Zorn indicates otherwise. This page will remain here indefinitely so that people may continue to read about Girvies' case and to ponder the injustice which has taken place."
"The eleven-year battle to free black activist and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal from death row in a Pennsylvania state penitentiary has become more urgent than ever. Governor Tom Ridge signed a warrant for his execution on June 1. . You can help ..."
"Stop Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal . Mumia Abu-Jamal is a black political activist who is on death row in Pensylvania, USA. His execution is scheduled for August, and the only thing that can possibly save him is a massive worldwide public outcry"
"In the 3 years of our existence we worked on various themes on political prisoners like for instance: Mumia Abu Jamal, Puerto Rican prisoners, Leonard Peltier, and of course prisoners in Eur
ope like the comrades from the RAF, AD, CCC, BR, GRAPO PCE/r and others. We organized meeting, benefits and demonstrations to support them and to let the people know about the existence of political prisoners in the so called western world."