T h e ~ A c t i v i s t' s ~ O a s i s
~ Practical Tools for Troublemakers

Welcome to the Activist's Oasis. Here's a place to relax, catch up on the latest news, and pick up a few new tools.

This Month's Cool Activist Site:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation

So you've decided that maybe the Internet can be a powerful tool for activism. Guess what? It's under constant attack by people who would like to censor, control, eavesdrop and slow it down. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) works to fight off those restrictions. They are also making activists out of a lot of people. Read the newsletter, join the email list, check out their resources list. Pay attention to what they have to say, they are fighting the good fight for all of us.
Here's a description in their own words:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July of 1990 to ensure that the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are protected as new communications technologies emerge.

From the beginning, EFF has worked to shape our nation's communications infrastructure and the policies that govern it in order to maintain and enhance First Amendment, privacy and other democratic values. We believe that our overriding public goal must be the creation of Electronic Democracy, so our work focuses on the establishment of:

Created by Kathy Watkins
Send comments and questions to dtv@well.com
Thanks to Internet Literacy Consultants for the server space and moral support.