Directory of Organizations
Last Updated: 4 January 1996
The following is a list of PeaceNet organizations on the IGC Networks
whose materials are available online through the Internet.
Most of these organizations maintain their material on the
IGC Gopher or World Wide Web pages.
Nonprofit Organizations on the Internet (many wonderful graphic files;
there's also a
graphic-free list available for those with slow connections)
21st Century Institute, seeking to develop a stable and just
world order.
Africa Policy Information Center
America-Israel Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Amnesty International.
Arab World & Islamic Resources & School Services
British American Security Information Council
works to promote public awareness of defense, disarmament, military
strategy, and nuclear policies in order to foster informed debate on these issues.
California Network for a New Economy (CNNE)
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
Center for Third World Organizing
Chicago Coalition Against Violence Initiative
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
Community Boards
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Concerned Singles
Consortium on Peace Research, Education and Development (COPRED)
Consumer Action
Council of Better Business Bureaus
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.
- Doctors of
the World (DOW)
Electronic Frontiers Foundation
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)
Foundation for a Compassionate Society
Global Exchange
Good Neighbor Project for Sustainable Industries
HandsNet, linking the human services community online.
Higher Education Center
Human Rights Watch
Hunger Project
Indigenous Environmental Network, a grassroots alliance to help
Indigenous Nations and its People to stand up against local, multi-national
and trans-national corprations and any national policy action
that contaminates the land, water, air and heal of Indigenous
People and our territories.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's mission is to create
environmentally and economically sustainable communities and regions
through sound agriculture and trade policy.
Institute for Mass Communications is a non-profit
dedicated to the development of progressive
communications skills among grassroots and community activists.
Institute for Social and Economic Studies. ISES promotes dialogue
among the left, and is the publisher of CrossRoads Magazine.
- The
International Academy at Santa Barbara is a non-profit educational
institution established in 1960 to improve understanding of
issues affecting life on our planet.
International Campaign for Tibet hosts information about the
Dalai Lama's Fall '95 visit to the U.S., a brief history of Tibet,
the international campaign to free Tibet, and how you can
International Education and Resource Network (I*EARN)
Institute for Alternative Journalism
Join Together
Latin America Data Base (LADB).
Left BBS
Making Contact is a new national radio program that gives
listeners information they need to take action. It is produced
by Norman Solomon and David Barsamian.
Middle East Children's Alliance. An organization dedicated to
bringing peace between Palestinians and Israelis and relieving the
suffering of children in the region.
Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP)
National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils (NADDC)
promotes national policy which provides individuals with developmental
disabilities the opportunity to make choices regarding the
quality of their lives and be included in the community; and to
provide support and assistance to member Councils.
National Center for Nonprofit Boards
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)
Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center
Neahtawanta Research and Education Center, a place of gathering and
a community of kindred spirits, created to serve people and
institutions interested in working toward a sustainable and just
Nonviolence International has resources for nonviolent direct action
struggles for freedom and justice.
North America Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
Nuclear Control Institute, an independent research and advocacy
center specializing in problems of nuclear proliferation,
monitoring nuclear activities worldwide and pursuing strategies to
halt the spread and reverse the growth of nuclear arms.
Overseas Development Network
- Pacifica Radio (KPFA) and
Pacifica Radio Archive
Peace Action
Peace Brigades International (PBI)> is a unique grassroot organization
exploring and implementing nonviolent approaches to peacemaking
and support for basic human rights. Now on the WWW!
Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for Social Responsibility
as well as
Student Physicians for Social Responsibility
Playing to Win (Mass Transit for the Information Superhighway)
Playing to Win / Intercambios Culturales. Playing to Win's Harlem
Community Computing Center, New York City's first public access
technology center, calls on you to support it and to help
establish the Intercambios Technological and Cultural Center in
El Salvador.
Political Ecology Group (PEG)
Political Research Associates (PRA)
Population Action International
P.O.V. Interactive, the on-line component of the award-winning PBS
non-fiction film series, provides viewers with the opportunity to
talk back to their TV. There you'll find "Tube Talk" dialogue
areas, this season's schedule with filmographies and transcripts,
a wealth of resources related to P.O.V.'s films, and a forum
about "Television Today ... and Tomorrow."
Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC)
Project South
Project on Demilitarization and Democracy is a non-profit
research and advocacy center that works to change U. S. policy
toward the developing world from one of militarization to one of
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Socialist Labor Party
Somali Association for Peace and Democracy (SAPD)
South and Meso American Indian Rights Center (SAIIC)
The Technology Resource Consortium (TRC) is an association of nonprofit Technology
assistance organizations that provide education about and access to information
technology to private and public non-profit organizations.
The Laurasian Institution (TLI), "acts to create communities
that transcend culture."
Union Friendly Systems
United States Institute of Peace
Urban Habitat Project of the Earth Island Institute. The Urban
Habitat Program (UHP) functions as a catalyst for the environment
and social justice, seeking to promote multi-cultural leadership.
UHP believes that socio-economic and environmental problems are
connected in their causes, effects and solutions. Poor people
and people of color use fewer resources than most, yet they bear
the heaviest burden of environmental degradation and pollution.
Washington Office on Africa (WOA)
Washington Office on Latin America,
general information on WOLA including the Executive Summaries of recent
WOLA reports and briefs, English translations of articles from WOLA's
Spanish language news bulletin, ENLACE, a full publications listing,
job and internship announcements, notices of upcoming WOLA events, etc.
Women of Color Resource Center (WCRC)
Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
Women's Feature Service
Working Group on Community Right-to-Know
Worldwatch Institute. Worldwatch Institute is dedicated to fostering a
sustainable society--one in which human needs are met in ways
that do not threaten the health of the natural environment or
future generations. To this end, the Institute conducts
interdisciplinary research on emerging global issues, the results
of which are published and disseminated to decisionmakers, the
media, and the public.