
1. The Stone-Papers

If you like to be taken on a journey not only through the net, but also like to know your culture better, embark on a trip to Allucquere Rosanne Stone´s small, yet brilliantly written ftp archive and find out how to go on a Magical Mystery Tour, even Anno 1995.

2. The Well

The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link is the legendary mother of all BBSs. Though many on line communities have made BBS-hopping quite familiar these days, the aura remains. A quality selection of some of the finest materials on Cyberspace and Virtual communities. Namely Howard Rheingold with "Virtual Communities", Bruce Sterling, and David Ronfeldt with opinions on Cyberocracy and "Cyberwar & Netwar: Warfare between Networks".


If you are into MUDs and MOOs, Xerox`s PARC probably is the right place for you to stay a while. A whole world of interesting papers at their ftp-archive.Working a little slowly lately. But once you get in, you are likely not to leave before to soon. Try it.!

4. WiReD

For those who don´t wish to go through a registration procedure, there is a mirror site with older back issues of WiReD-Magazine in Singapore. You never can tell til you try : WiReD-Magazines service has - in fact - dramatically improved. I found out only after overcoming my reservations of registering real-name with the editors.

5. HIT Lab

Getting slightly more technical, you might want to take a look at the HIT Lab, especially in what concerns their development of a VR-display, using retinal projection.

6. Meckler on the Web

Yet another magazine on the web, this time more technologically and bussines- (as compared to Zeitgeist and culturally, as in WiReDs case) oriented. No time has gone so far into finding out whether this is more than an appetizer-site, though its first appearance is quite promising, not as promising as WiReD though.

7. Cybernetics

Let alone the fact whether it is a lucky word creation or not, it might be convenient to ask the question of what cybernetics is all about.

8. Encryption and Network Money

Everyone uses the buzzwords, cyberspace and VR are being reported everywhere around the globe, in almost any kind of medium. The problem does - however - seem to be: Is there a commercial application for all this? Carl Loeffler, in "The Virtual Reality Casebook", seems to suggest "eventually yes". The question is, however more complicated for VR than for other usual products being introduced to a marketplace. This is because VR cannot only be a product on the realworld market, but because of its quality as an almost all (reality) embracing tool has the capacity to become a market itself, reflecting onto the realworld economy or becoming an n-dimensional economy of its own. The question then is: on which currency will this new economy run? Gather some perspectives by one of electronic cash's inventors, David Chaum. For a quite comprehensive overview, see the compilation on electronic payment systems, by Trinity College (Dublin).

9. The Brussels G7 Mini-Summit on Information Society

Finally, the Governments are gearing up to create the Global Information Infrastructure (GII). With the GII first having been proposed in 1994 by Vice President Al Gore in Buenos Aires, the Summit in Brussels seems to be an important milestone towards its implementation. Though there is no saying for how long, for the time being you can find a comprehensive documentation about the meeting on the Net.

10. The Tofflers

Whilst I don't exactly wish to discredit this selection as being random in its approach, future-gazing Toffler-style has won a new importance in connection with Newt Gingrich's writing the forword to their latest book "Creating a New Civilization". Whilst this text is not available on-line, you might want to take a look at an older interview with Alvin Toffler from the New Scientist.

11. Carl E. Loeffler

Hard to find on the Net, but - so I guess - nobody escapes Lycos, the searching system at Carnegie-Mellon. See: Distributed Virtual Reality: applications for education, entertainment and industry from 1993.

12. Web Stars in VR (NASA)

It seems to be a good site. Since I have just picked it - and it seems to be quite comprehensive - find out more yourself.

13. The MIT media-lab

Find out more about what's going on at the Lab with the support of 20+ of the world's mega-corporations.

14. Bibliography of VR

Very good! Compiled at the HitLab and available online.

15. Morten Soby on Virtual Reality

Possessed by Virtual Reality by Morten Søby, Research Fellow Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo.

16. Virtual Communities Sources List by Howard Rheingold

A good collection on the social aspects of VR and Telecommunication, available at the WELL Website.

17. Niemann Foundation at Harvard University. "Toward a New Journalist's Agenda" (conference proceeds)

Assembled in these proceedings from the conference are some very interesting thoughts on the future of media and communications in the networked world. Find a file with an abstract of the most interesting contributions (as from this bibliography's author's viewpoint).


CTHEORY is an international, electronic review of books on theory, technology and culture. Sponsored by the Canadian Journal of Politicaland Social Theory, reviews are posted periodically of key books incontemporary discourse as well as theorisations of major "event-scenes"in the mediascape.

19. Bruce Sterling's Short History of the Internet

Quite elementary reading about the coming about of the Internet. Before going into the real comprehensive materials, it is probably a good idea to start with this article.

20. December-CMC Information Sources

Probably one of the most complete list of links on the Net. Internet-training, RFCs, pointers, search-engines. Prepare for a very big file, and plan to take time, if you take a look.

21. Roberto Bisso on "Cyberespace et démocratie"

This article is taken from Le Monde diplomatique in July 1994. It shows some of the applications of modern networked computing in the domain of NGO-cooperation.

22. Hypertext - anticipated

Just as most will be amazed by the fact that the notion of cybernetics the way we understand this term today reaces back to Norbert Wiener's book, some might be surprised to actually find out that the notion of hyper-documents has been crafted as early as 1945 by Vannevar Bush, then Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. No doubt, Hypermedia play an important role of forming a virtual community's future media-landscape. An online version of his Article "As We May Think" is available.

23. Computer Mediated Communication Magazine (CMC)

A must for researchers in the field of CMC. In its level, certainly this electronic publication is tantamount to any printed matter. It can be strongly recommended to take a look at the current issue.

24. LETSystems

Local Exchange Trade Systems (LETS) might also be considered an interesting topic for virtual communities wishing to create independent payment mechanisms.

25. OTA-Report on VR-Technologies in Combat Simulations

Although probably not 100 per cent related to Virtual Communities, OTA's report from 1994 offers several advantages, the major one being to offer a good primer on VR-related technologies for those not overly acquainted. Also, some shortcomings and challenges are assessed and addressed.

26. Social Sciences Data Archives

This is a
clickable imagemap, pointing to resources and repositories for social science data, may of which can - unfortunately - not be accessed online.

27. Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung

This German institute has, amongst others, an extensive section on research topics in the field of social effects of the application of communication technologies. Abstracts of the papers and ordering information are available in English.

28. Marshall McLuhan

Here is a good primer on Marshall McLuhans theories in a very sensible layout, table oriented.

29. "Voice of the Shuttle" - Webpage for Humanities Research

Not in a narrow sense of the word pertinent to virtual communities, but nonetheless a near-complete list of pointers that should not miss in your toolbox.

This page was last updated on September 5, 1995 by markus@unik.no

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