Tommaso Tozzi art works
Tommaso Tozzi art works
art-zine by way of an answering machine.
Paper and tape.
"Hacker Art"
Printed in various italian pubblications: "Cyberpunk" first italian cyberpunk anthologhy (1990), "Decoder" magazine #6 (1991), ...
Advertisment of "Hacker Art BBS"
(1990/94 - now transformed in "Virtual Town TV")
Hacker Art BBS, was one of the four bbs that created the italian indipendent network "CyberNet" in 1993. In march 1991 start the echomail area "Cyberpunk" with others italian underground groups.
"Virtual Town TV"
(1994/95) realized with Strano Network.
New look of Hacker Art BBS. Graphical User Interface, five lines, 28.800 baud, preview on-line of picture, video and sound (mac and windows) and multi-chat. Daily interactive transimissions on-line (multi-chat) from editorial staff on politic, rights, art, network, culture, educational and alternative. V.T.T.V. is node of Cybernet, Peacelink, European Counter Network, Fidonet, Firnet, Toscanet, OneNet Italia and The Internet (only for mail and News). In V.T.T.V. everyone can build his palace and use it to create public conferences or archives. No profit.
"Happening Digitali Interattivi"
First CD-ROM of interactive music, art and text.
First edition 1300 copies (sold out).
It's a collect of sound, picture and texts realized in group by about 70 italian musicians, artists and writers by way of BBS or floppy disk.
You can edit 40' of music by way of omputer or you can hear it by way of audio CD player. Enclosed also a 160 pages book and a floppy disk.
"Strano Network"
Florence work group on communication.
Strano Network realize alternative hypertexts with documentations on no copyright and cyber rights (TESTI CALDI - 1994), politic italian slaughter (STRAGI DI STATO - 1994), cyberpunk floppy and net magazine (METANETWORK - 1992) and artistic movements (FLUXUS - 1994). The group organized "Diritto alla Comunicazione nello Scenario di fine Millennio" (febbruary1995) the first italian meeting of no profit networks.
(1992) Realized with Nazario Renzoni
floppy and net magazine #2.
Cyberpunk interactive magazine with text, picture and database distributed on floppy disk in the italian book-shops and on bbs network Cybernet. Everyone is editor and reader of the magazine!
"Opposizioni 80"
An anthology of alternative culture in the eighties in the world. 312 B/N pages book. Many texts and graphics from punk, graffiti, art street, reggae, hip-hop, mail art, situationism, hackers, cyberpunk, counter movements, and others...
First edition 1700 copies (sold out).
"Diritto alla Comunicazione nello Scenario di fine Millennio"
(19 febbruary 1995)
Advertisement of the first italian meeting of no profit networks at Luigi Pecci Museum in Prato (Florence). Organized by Strano Network. 12 hours, 50 rapporteur, interactive art show, netsurfing and hypertext demo. 2000 partecipants from Italy and world: sysop and users of Cybernet, Fidonet, Peacelink, P-Net, European Counter Network, Toscanet, OneNet Italia, The Internet, and many others. A conference about the future of the freedom and cyber rights on italian networks and The Internet.
Strano Network "WWW Home page"
(Early 1995)