
It's a project about identity concept and his relate problems in telematic new media (see my enclosed text: "IDENTITA' E ANONIMAZIONE").
It should be a telematic video happening with 1 partecipants from internet and other 4 part of body in 4 quicktime digital video.
The body will be composed by 5 digital video windows.
Everyone of this 5 digital video windows will be rappresent a part of a virtual body:
head (telematic video on-line)
left arm (quicktime digital video)
right arm (quicktime digital video)
umbilical (quicktime digital video)
legs (quicktime digital video)
"Mr. Head" will be realized in your space and will be the head of every people of public take by a video camera. That video sequence will be show in real time inside a computer and sent in Internet.
The other four part of body will be digital video pre-recorded animated part of body (left arm, right arm, umbilical, legs).
All five 5 digital video windows sequences will be simultaneously shown inside a computer in your space and the computer video signal will be show on a maxi screen.
All five video signal will compose a telematic body (vedi immagine del progetto su "La Repubblica", 6 aprile 1996), that will change during the event consequently at the public improvvisations and quicktime digital video animations (about half hour).
Only the head will be sent in Internet, but we will invite world users to connect at us reflector site and send them body part to compose also in Internet a virtual body. That virtual body will have as head the head of your public.