Anarchists Clash With Police After Zurich Rally

ZURICH, Switzerland, May 1 (AFP) - Swiss anarchists and left-wingers clashed with police here Thursday at the end of a peaceful march by 3,000 people to mark May Day.

As the march ended in early afternoon, 300 masked anarchists and left-wingers pelted the police with stones and firecrackers, daubed the headquarters of a newspaper with red paint and set garbage cans on fire.

Police used water cannon to disperse the crowd. No one was injured. Clashes between anarchists and police have become a May Day tradition in Zurich for several years.

The leader in Switzerland of Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger guerrillas and a sympathizer of Peru's leftist Tupac Amaru movement, which seized the residence of the Japanese ambassador to Peru in December with hundreds of hostages, addressed the march, alongside Swiss union leaders.

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