translator's note



Mondo Mitomane 1994-96. Notes on Multiple Name Mythopoesis as the Cutting Edge of Psychogeography.

Written in January 1997, this piece is a detailed account of the early phases of the Luther Blissett Project in Italy, focusing on the huge amount of contradictory 'creation myths' and extensively covering such psychogeographical activities as Radio Blissett, the notorious radio program which resulted in a riot and a trial on some Roman multiple name bearers. There's also a brief explanation of LB's kind of paradoxical reverse Gramsciism.

  What The Fuck Is The Luther Blissett Project. Selected Excerpts from Mind Invaders. Come fottere i media. Manuale di guerriglia e sabotaggio culturale , Castelvecchi, Rome 1995.

If you ever thought Luther Blissett was nothing more than yet another JoeySkaggs-like prankster, well, think again! The translation of the book's title is: Mind Invaders, or How To Fuck The Media. A Guide to Cultural Sabotage and Guerrilla. If the LBP had Scriptures, this powerful essay would be its Genesis. Since its first release it's got 3 editions and has influenced hundreds of psychic warriors. Stewart Home's recent 'reader in culturale sabotage, semiotic terrorism and psychic warfare' (Serpent's Tail, London 1997) is clearly named after it. These translated excerpts throw light on the relations between myth-making and a new r/evolution whose protagonist is the global human community (or, as Karl Marx called it, the Gemeinwesen).

Ray Johnson: A Zapatista In Greenwich

Among the countless creation myths spread by Luther Blissett (answers to the question: 'Who the fuck adopted the name for the first time?'), this is possibly the closest to truth. Dramatis personae: Ray Johnson (the Godfather of Mail Art, RIP), Ruggero Maggi (artist, performer, 'metanetworker in spirit') Vittore Baroni (networker, musician and rock journalist) and Stewart Home (novelist and "intellectual terrorist"). Also available a Spanish translation.

Why I Wrote A Fake Hakim Bey Book And How I Cheated The Conformists Of Italian Counter-culture (revised translation)

The complete account of the disturbing prank pulled in 1996, whose victims were the self-styled NYC guru, some 'hip' left-wing hacks, two "alternative" publishing houses and thousands of gulls desperately trying to be cutting-edge. How some champions of 'anti-copyright' activism lost their temper and threatened to sue all and sundry in the Italian radical scene.

 How Luther Blissett Turned A Corporate Attack On The Multiple Name Into A Great Prank On A Major Publisher (revised translation)

Blissett's most complex and ambitious literary hoax so far. Apparently inspired by the funny saga of the Hitler diaries, this action of psychedelic anti-fascism provoked an unforgettable sensation in Italy in 1996. The victims: Giuseppe Genna (right-wing poet and hopeless moron), Mondadori (the biggest Italian publisher, owned by semi-fascist tycoon - and former PM - Silvio Berlusconi) and Panorama (the most read weekly news magazine, published - you guess- by Mondadori).

Crap Dealers: The Disgusting Coverage Of 'The People vs. Luther Blissett' On Some British Stinking Rags

During the early sessions of the Rome trial (Springtime 1997), several British hacks decided to cover the event. They did their worst. This section includes the pieces appeared on The European (the best one), The Daily Express, The Guardian, The Observer, The Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph. The article from The European, which is the less stomach-turning, includes a funny interview with the "real" Luther Blissett, i.e. the former soccer player whose name was "stolen" by a gang of anonymous activists in 1994.

School Of Swindles: The German magazine Der Spiegel on Luther Blissett (English Translation)

The Gospel According To Judas or The Ultimate Luther Blissett Manifesto

Originally written in Italian and delivered as a blasphemous sermon during a Psychic Attack on the fucking Pope. Also three pictures related to anti-catholic warfare

1997: Well Begun Is Half Done. A Devastating Phone Prank On A Famous priest.

Pedophilia, snuff movies, a rehab centre in Thailand, a priest who enjoys appearing on TV talking about Jimi Hendrix and a gullible news agency. You don't need anything else!

Umberto Eco's Multiple Name
The Point Of View Of A Right-wing Nutter

Of all the bizarre conspiracy theories on Luther Blissett, this is perhaps the most fascinating, as well as the most absurd one. A catho-fascist paranoid called Andrea Ridolfi recently wrote a pamphlet titled Il Nome Multiplo Di Umberto Eco and put it into circulation in Italy's right-wing milieux. Ridolfi ascribes the pamphlet to a mysterious 'KMA' and has never admitted to be the author (which I'm sure he is). Now most fascists believe that the LB Project was invented by Umberto fucking Eco! This is the link to Ridolfi's website on Geocities: the geezer even bothered to translate his bullshit into English.

  Yet Another Manhunt: Media Morons On The Trail Of An Imaginary Sado-Maso Guru

Who the hell is the Reverend William Cooper? He is the author of Sesso Estremo [Extreme Sex], a best-selling essay published by the omnipresent Castelvecchi back in 1995. The blurb described Cooper as born in Birmingham and active in the lurid London underworld. The Panorama bloodhounds met him in Soho and published an intriguing interview, as well as his picture. It's a pity that Cooper doesn't exist. Another great scam by Luther Blissett.

Ralph Rumney's Revenge: An Account Of The Psychogeographical Guerrilla In Venice During The 1995 Biennale Of Contemporary Arts (revised translation)

Unabridged version of a piece written in 1995, some heavily edited extracts of which are included in Stewart Home's Mind Invaders. Antivivisectionism, virtual reality, psychogeography, pollution and gentrification. An assault on the art world.

 Missing Presumed Dead: The Sensational Prank On The RAI TV Cops Hunting One Harry Kipper all over Europe (revised translation)

Blissett's first great media hoax. Also included in Stewart Home's Mind Invaders, but this version is longer and more detailed.